Ti OS won't install on Windows 10 x64 ????

  • I have a windows 10 laptop that won't let me install Ti OS
    Everything goes well until the installer looks for the Virus, and then it can't find it; Installation terminates prematurely, and rolls back.
    I've tried every trick I can think of, and everything I've found suggested on this and other forums.
    It appears to be USB driver 2.9.66 that causes the error.
    Any ideas, suggestions, wisdom, advice, or insights, please?

  • Cvery connection-related issue I have had has been related to my USB ports being shot or not supplying enough power. Trying different ports, installing a new USB PCI card, getting a new powered USB hub, or calling a technician is the only solution from what I've seen.

  • Im having the same issue, any solutions to this?

    Started after upgrade to win10 64. It just wont let the installer complete, and rolls back the process.

    USB things all look good and clean, so dont think this is a connection issue. Noone else having trouble with win10 64? (I kinda find that hard to believe...)

  • It certainly does work, I've been running those versions for a year. But I do remember having to contact Access Support to get some help. Had to install, remove and reinstall the Virus software a few times, with a full reboot in between. Don't recall having to mess with Windows, or any native drivers.



  • One more reason to release a new Win installer and update the version of TI to match the Mac installer.

    Bass Player and Synthesist.
    Virus TI2 Darkstar | Virus TI2 Desktop | Sub 37 | Voyager RME | Machinedrum | Analog Four | Digitone | MPC Live | NI Maschine+
    Mac OS 13.6.6 (Ventura) | Cubase Pro 13.0 | Ableton Live 9.6 | Logic 10.8 | MainStage 3.6 | NI Komplete Ultimate 14 | RME Fireface UFX+

  • I know we've all said this, a million times before. They are still selling Viruses, new Viruses, at a premium price. They should still be supporting and updating them. Even though the TI2 is 8 years old now, someone buying a new one is basically stuck with whatever came out last year, and that's it. I wish Access would at least put one more effort into a big update, especially considering those of us who've just bought one in the last few years.