USB disconnected: TI plays fine, USB connected: TI doesn't play - should this happen?

  • Hi All

    I am curious as to if this should happen on my TI.

    If I turn the TI on, without connecting the USB to my Mac - the TI plays fine and I can select patches and amend settings as normal. However, if I simply plug the USB cable into the Mac the TI won't play!

    Is this expected behaviour?

    Virus TI Keyboard
    Logic Pro x
    Mac OSX Yosemite

  • I'm guessing you have one of the keyboard models? If so, then to overcome this you need to enable local control in the config menu, but beware, this option doesn't play nice with DAW-s, so remember to turn it off when you are a bout to use one.

    Many thanks Bob.

    Virus TI Keyboard
    Logic Pro x
    Mac OSX Yosemite

  • Been having the same problem with mine for sometime. If you open the Audio MIDI setup application in OS X and click on the Re-Scan MIDI button does your virus become playable again?

    Indulgence gets us friends, but truth gets us hatred.

    OB-6, Polivoks, Polivoks Pro, Virus TI x2, Waldorf M, MS-20, MS2000, Radias, Minilogue, Minitaur, Argon8, Erebus, Alpha Juno 2, TR-8S, Xio 49, Ultranova, Microfreak,